Profil ISO


ISO metric thread

D Diametre extérieur de la vis
D1 Diametre fond de filets
D2 Diametre nominal

p Pas

A Sommet du filetage
B Flanc de filet
C Fond de filet

filet.jpg (19097 octets) D Major or outside diameter
D1 Minor or root diameter
D2 effective diameter

p Pitch

A Crest
B Flank
C Root

more details


Representation des filetages et des taraudages

Draugthing conventions associated with threads

l: Longueur de filetage

Fond de filet en trait fin

type B

vis.jpg (11664 octets)

l: Thread length

Root is represented with a thine line, type B


l: Longueur de filetage

Fond de filet en trait fin

type B

r: Profondeur de perçage

taraudage.jpg (25983 octets)


l: Thread length

Root is represented with a thine line, type B

r: Tapping hole length


vistaraudage.jpg (41763 octets)

Bolt Site  ( Home page )

basermation related to screw threads
Historical background to screw threads
Basic Thread Terminology
The Whitworth Thread Form
The British Association Thread Form
The Unified and Metric Thread Forms
Basic Profile of Unified and Metric Thread Forms
Tolerancing of Screw Threads